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Me in Amsterdam

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Alfie's third birthday

Alfie woke up on his birthday and was very excited.
We spend the first part of the morning, opening pressies and cards before preparing the house for the party.
Dru's mate Craig came over about Lunch time and the kids were bouncing off the walls with excitement!
We got the kids into their costumes and my mum, sister, nan and grandad arrived.
The kids opened yet more presents before their god mother Mel arrived and you guessed it.. more presents!
Chantel arrived next with Charline's kids Pedro and Julius.
By this point i had put up the decorations, food and got the place ready for the bombardment of children!
The guests started to arrive about 3pm. We had Mia (Belle from Beauty and the Beast), Amy (Tinkerbell), Jessica (Tinkerbell), Ethain (Pirate), Amina (Fairy Princess), Maddison-Kay (Belle), Kerri-anne (Cinderella), J'Dice (Sleeping Beauty), Nikita (Cinderella), Joe, Pedro, Julius, Haydn and Tegan (who didnt dress up).
We had dancing, face painting (done by Nicole and Mia and Amy's Mum), pass the parcel, musical statues and generally had loads of fun!
It was nice for the kids to say goodbye to their friends and i got a chance to say goodbye to mine too!
Max and Alfie had their faces done as tigers and then Alfie rubbed it off and wanted to be a pirate.
We all had a great day!

Alfie's Nursery

Alfie started nursery on Monday.
All weekend he was really excited and on Monday morning he was excited to wear his new uniform.
Me and Dru had to stay for part of the first session to ensure he settled all right so we dropped Max off first and then headed to the nursery.
As soon as we got there, he was in and off playing. They done snack time and he played outside.
The teacher, Rachel, said that we could go and come back at 11.30 so we said goodbye and he started to get a bit upset but i distracted him with a car and off we went.
Came back at 11.30 and he was buzzing about his day.
Tuesday morning, Alfie was excited again until we got to nursery. We said goodbye to him and he started crying :( It was horrible leaving him but Rachel said it was best if we just went.
So i dropped Max at school and then popped back to the nursery to check he was ok without him seeing me. Rachel said he was fine.
When i collected him he was telling he that school was hard work. I asked him what he had done and he told me that he had played playdough, cutting and drawing.
He was going on and on about it and how good it was so i thought today might be better.
This morning, as soon as we set foot in the nursery, he burst into tears. Max said goodbye to him and he cried more and when i said goodbye, he REALLY went for it. I gave him Tiger which calmed him a little and then we left. I wanted to cry. I felt awful leaving him.
When i collected him he was hyping about he played with all the girls and how he got a stamp on his hand because he done "good listening and not talking on the carpet".
Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Max's First Day at Reception

Max started Reception on Thursday 6th Sept.
The Thursday and Friday was only until 12 to ease them in...
A few days before, Max was starting to get a bit nervous. He kept saying that he was worried because he wouldnt know anyone.
On the Thursday morning, he woke up bright and early and had his breakfast. Then me and him had a bit of a cuddle before he got dressed, done his hair and teeth and was ready to leave.
We got there and were all taken into the assembly hall. The teachers called class by class and we all walked through to the coat peg area. Max found his name and put his p.e. bag on his peg, then kissed me, Dru and Alfie goodbye and off he went into class.
We came back at 12 and he came out buzzing! He had a great time!
He was telling us about how he played outside in the playground, played in the play house. He said he was playing with a boy called Elliot and a girl called Jemma.
He enjoyed it Friday too!
This week he has had packed lunch and stayed until 1pm.
He's loving it!