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Me in Amsterdam

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Max's Preschool Party

The kids all had a great time..They must of played a million games of musical bumps/statues, okie cokie. They had loads of food which the kids happily gorged on!
Max looked all proud of himself when he gave the teacher the card that we got her. It had a meerkat on it and a photo of Max. She loved it and it made her all teary!
Then they all sat on the carpet and the teacher was given her card, flowers and wine from the kids and parents. She was so chuffed.She started to cry bless her!
Then all the kids got a certificate for graduating preschool. The teacher stood up and said a little bit about each child before giving them their certificate. It was a lovely day!

Sunday 17 July 2011

Max will be starting nursery soon!.

We went there the other day & Max loved it! He joined in straight away and chatted away to the teachers, etc.
At first they told me that he had an afternoon place and i wasnt too happy. Then i spoke to other mums from his preschool and they ALL got morning places so he wouldnt know anyone. Plus his preschool teacher said to try and get morning as the morning was older kids and those who have been to preschool and know a little more so it would benefit Max rather than starting it all from scratch..
I spoke to the nursery manager and told her my concerns and she changed him to morning so i was well happy.
We were told what uniform he needs to wear and what he will need to bring (bag, water bottle etc)
They have also arranged home visits too as apparently thats what they are introducing all round the country now...?
The home visit is on 13th sept and starts on 28th sept.
Max is so excited about starting "big school" bless him!