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Me in Amsterdam

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Alfie Lee Thompson - 18/08/2009

I had a very easy pregnancy with Alfie (unlike my pregnancy with Max). I had low iron but other than that it was all hunky dorey! When i was 38weeks (or thereabouts) i had a consultant appointment to discuss the birth & i was told that Alfie was measuring up big so i was sent for a growth scan. They told me that he was very big & they didnt want me to have a vaginal delivery (with Max i had a 3rd degree tear & they didnt want to risk it again!). I was given a week or so to decide if i wanted to follow their advice or go ahead with the vaginal birth. I decided to opt for a c-section & was booked in for 18th August at 9am - The day after my due date! So we got everything ready & my mum stayed over the night before my section was due so she could have Max. Midnight on 18th my contractions started. I decided to go and have a bath to ease the pains. By 12.30 the contractions were 3 mins apart. We decided i couldnt wait anymore so at 12.45 Dru drove me to the hospital. We arrived at 1am and were taken to a room for me to be examined. They told me that i had a few options- i could wait until 9am for my planned section, have an emergency section or go for a vaginal birth. They strongly advised that i go for an emergency section. So i was taken down to theatre, given pain relief & talked through the proceedure. I was so tired as i hadnt had any sleep & i was doing my best to fight falling asleep. I was talking to Dru to keep myself awake! I don't remember too much of it as i was drugged up to the eye balls! I remember a strange feeling when they pulled him out. I could feel him inside & then not.... It was a very odd sensation! Alfie was finally born at 2.34am and weighed 9lbs 13 (so not as big as they made out!!) So my beautiful baby wanted to enter the world on his terms and i'm so glad he did!

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