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Me in Amsterdam

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Max Richard Thompson - 14/08/2008

When i was pregnant with Max, i was forever up & down the hospital.
He was a big baby on all the scans so i had about a million growth scans. I was also getting loads of pains throughout the pregnancy so i was in & out of the hospital all the time.
I have a slipped disc in my back & Max was causing lots of pains so they decided to induce me early.
I went in on the Monday evening & they inserted the pill thing but nothing....
Tuesday then gave me a sweep & another pill but nothing..
Wednesday (isn't this starting to sound like a Craig David song? ) they look me down the the labour ward. They broke my waters & put me on a drip to speed up my contractions at 9am.
By 12 mid-day i was in agony! So i had an epidural.
The pains eased up after the epidural so it was a waiting game....
At 11pm i was fully dilated & wanted to push but midwife was seeing someone else so i had to wait.
11.30 came & in came the midwife. She topped up my epidural & then i was told to push. Then an alarm starting going off & about 10 doctors & nurses rushed in. Max's heart rate was dropping & they were worried. They finally managed to get his heart rate back to normal & i pushed again.
They then told me that his body was facing the wrong way (he was head down but sideways if that makes sense?).They said that they would need to use forceps to get him out.

I was rushed to theatre (followed by Dru in the whole outfit thing which was quite funny!!).
To be honest i cant remember too much from there other than i screamed really loud as they pulled him out!
He weighed 8lbs15 and was born on Thursday 14th August at 1.44am.
He was (and still is) so perfect. My angel!

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