

Happily Married!

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Welcome to Jemma's World!!


Me in Amsterdam

Sunday 15 January 2012

Christmas 2011

Well Christmas Eve i was woken up by Max screaming because he'd been sick everywhere! So once he was cleaned up and calmed down (he doesnt get sick much thank god but when he does he's such a drama queen about it all!!) we settled on the sofa and i got him a drink.
He just wanted to be cuddled and thats where we stayed until i had to rush to the toilet to throw up! So all day, me, Max and Dru all had s&d so it was a fight for the toilet

I felt sorry for Alfie, he pretty much had to amuse himself all day :(
Then by the evening Max was feeling better so he managed to eat a little dinner and so did Dru but i couldnt keep anything down. I was getting upset that i'd be ill all xmas day too.
Then xmas morning (after a very restless nights sleep), the kids woke up at 7.30 and came running in to me to wake me up. Dru was already up.
The kids opened their pressies are were both high as a kite! They loved it!
Max was so excited that Santa had eaten his cake and had the drink he left out! Bless him.
I opened my pressies from Dru... I got a kindle (which i was totally not expecting but wanted- shows he does listen when i ramble on!!), loads of chocolates and a note saying that my camera was on the way but hadnt arrived yet. So thats still to come. He also gave me some kindle vouchers to buy some books on it too.
Dru made a huge fry up and everyone stuffed their faces except me as i was still not 100% so i had one bit of bacon before nearly chucking up again.
We went to my dads house and my mum had been ill all night so she wasnt feeling great. The boys opened their pressies from my mum... Max got a bike and Alfie got a boy baby doll and a blue buggy.
Then my mum had to go and get my sister, nan and grandad while my dad and Dru played nice and cooked dinner.
When they arrived we all opened more presents.
Max got a Buzz lightyear costume from Nicole and shirt and boots from my dad (they'd already had the presents from my grandparents a few days earlier). Alf got Woody costume from Nicole and a shirt and Thomas book and toy from my dad.
Mum got me a Louis Vuitton bag and Dru an aftershave set. Nicole got us a toasted sandwich maker (which ive wanted but never got round to buying lol) and dad gave us spending money for Disneyland.
I started to feel better as the day went on and dinner was lovely!
We all enjoyed ourselves! Mum didnt eat as she couldnt keep anything down and then dad threw up just before dinner so he didnt eat either. We were such a lurgy house! Haha
We came home about 7ish and the kids went straight to sleep!
Boxing day, i went and picked sil Chantel up and she spent the day with us. I more than made up for being ill and eat sooooo much (and drank quite a bit too).
So apart from being a bit poorly, it was a lovely xmas!

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